cool in spanish slang

The 30 Words That Mean Cool in Spanish Slang

Discover 30 Spanish slang words for “cool” from different countries! This comprehensive guide provides definitions, translations, and examples for each term.

If you’re looking for some cool Spanish slang to spice up your conversations, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore 30 different ways to express “cool” in Spanish, ranging from popular slang terms to regional expressions. Learning these words will not only add some flair to your language skills but also help you sound more like a native speaker. So, let’s dive into the world of cool in Spanish slang!

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cool in spanish slang
  1. Bacán / Bacano In Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Cuba, the word bacán is used to describe something as cool. In Colombia, it may also appear as bacano.

Example: Este hotel es bacán / bacano. (This hotel is cool.)

Be careful with this one, though. In other parts of the Spanish-speaking world, this word can mean anything from “lover” to “boss” to “steep” to “posh” because we live in a strange and confusing world.

  1. Bárbaro This word literally means “barbarian” or “barbaric,” so you’d think it would be negative. However, in Argentina, it’s frequently used to mean “cool.”

Example: ¿Te has comprado un convertible? ¡Qué bárbaro! (You bought a convertible? How cool!)

  1. Buena onda The term buena onda, which literally means “good wave,” is used in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico to mean “cool” or “good vibe.”

Example: Ella es buena onda porque siempre va a todas las fiestas. (She is cool because she always goes to all the parties.)

  1. Buenazo Used in Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Peru, buenazo is the equivalent of “cool” or “really good.” It’s generally used to describe inanimate objects rather than people.

Example: Ese coche es buenazo. (That car is cool.)

It can also be used to speak about people, but in that case, it can mean anything from “really good looking” to “kindhearted person who is a bit too soft,” so before using it, check its meaning in the country where you are.

  1. Cachete While cachete literally means “cheek,” it’s used in Chile and Costa Rica to mean “cool.” It’s often used with a todo.

Example: ¿Vas a Chile? ¡A todo cachete! (You’re going to Chile? How cool!)

  1. Cachilupi This word is used in Chile to mean “cool” or “nice.”

Example: Este lugar es muy cachilupi. (This place is really cool.)

  1. Calidá Calidá is Guatemalan slang for “cool” or “excellent.”

Example: Esta playa es calidá. (This beach is cool.)

  1. Chévere For Spanish students, this is probably one of the more familiar words for “cool.” It’s used throughout Latin America.

Example: Qué chévere, no tenemos tarea. (How cool/awesome, we don’t have homework.)

  1. Chido Chido is a Mexican slang term for “cool.”

Example: Las vacaciones estuvieron muy chidas. (Vacation was really cool.)

  1. Choy Choy is used as “cool” in Peru.

Example: Ese concierto estuvo de choy. (That concert was cool.)

  1. Chévere This word is used in Venezuela and Puerto Rico as a synonym for “cool.”

Example: ¡Ese carro está chévere! (That car is cool!)

  1. Chingón Chingón is a strong slang term in Mexico meaning “cool,” “awesome,” or “badass.”

Example: ¡Esa motocicleta es chingona! (That motorcycle is badass!)

  1. Copado In Argentina and Uruguay, copado is used to mean “cool” or “neat.”

Example: Ese tatuaje es muy copado. (That tattoo is really cool.)

  1. De pelos This phrase is used in various Spanish-speaking countries and means “excellent” or “cool.” It’s an informal way to express approval.

Example: ¡Esa película estuvo de pelos! (That movie was excellent/cool!)

  1. Está de lujo Está de lujo means that something is “awesome” or “fantastic.”

Example: El concierto estuvo de lujo. (The concert was awesome.)

  1. Está de choy In Peru, you can use está de choy to say that something is “cool” or “great.”

Example: Esta discoteca está de choy. (This nightclub is cool.)

  1. Fresco While the literal translation of fresco is “fresh,” it’s also used to mean “cool” or “chill” in some Spanish-speaking countries.

Example: Todo bien, todo fresco. (Everything’s good, everything’s cool.)

  1. Guay In Spain, guay is a common slang term meaning “cool” or “awesome.”

Example: Esa película fue guay. (That movie was cool.)

  1. Güiro In Puerto Rico, güiro is a slang term for “cool” or “awesome.”

Example: ¡Ese carro está güiro! (That car is cool!)

  1. Güiro de nítido This phrase, used in Puerto Rico, means that something is “cool.”

Example: ¡Esa fiesta está güiro de nítido! (That party is really cool!)

  1. Gufeao / Gufiao In Puerto Rico, gufeao or gufiao can be used to describe people or objects as “cool.”

Example: ¡Ese tipo es gufeao! (That guy is cool!)

  1. Molar In Spain, molar means “to be cool” or “to be awesome.”

Example: Me encanta tu camiseta, mola mucho. (I love your T-shirt, it’s really cool.)

  1. Molón / Molona Molón (masculine) or molona (feminine) is a slang term used in Spain to mean “cool” or “neat.”

Example: ¡Qué camioneta más molona! (What a cool truck!)

  1. Nítido In Puerto Rico, nítido literally means “vivid” or “clear,” but it’s used to mean “cool.”

Example: ¡Ese concierto estuvo nítido! (That concert was cool!)

  1. Padre Padre, which literally means “father,” is also used in Mexico to mean “cool.”

Example: Esa fiesta estuvo padre. (That party was cool.)

  1. Pichudo In Costa Rica, pichudo is commonly used by teenagers to mean “cool.”

Example: ¡Ese videojuego está pichudo! (That video game is cool!)

  1. Piola / Quedarse piola In Argentina and Chile, piola means “cool” or “calm.” The phrase quedarse piola means “to keep quiet.”

Example: Ese concierto estuvo piola. (That concert was cool.)

  1. Sobrado In Spain, sobrado is used to mean “cool” or “awesome.”

Example: ¡Ese truco de magia estuvo sobrado! (That magic trick was cool!)

  1. Tremendo In the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, tremendo can mean “cool” or “great.”

Example: ¡Esa película estuvo tremenda! (That movie was great!)

  1. Vacano In Colombia, vacano is a slang word for “cool.”

Example: ¡Ese lugar es vacano! (That place is cool!)

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So there you have it—30 different ways to say “cool” in Spanish using slang terms from various Spanish-speaking countries. Have fun incorporating these words into your conversations and sounding like a native Spanish speaker!


Traveler and blogger Living in Guadalajara, Mexico

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